
Star Wars The Old Republic Tatooine



Outer Rim Territories


Seas of Sand and rock



Native species

Tusken Raiders

Other species
Ruler(due south)


"A harsh desert planet off all the major trade routes, Tatooine is known for its oestrus, its sand, its dangerous wildlife–and petty else. Only a few settlements dot Tatooine's countless wastes, inhabited by handfuls of traders and moisture farmers. Tatooine's obscurity has also attracted a small merely pregnant criminal population, here to hide from galactic authorities. Tatooine lacks any central regime or allegiance to Republic or Empire. In that location are rumors of an Imperial occupation taking identify in one of the borderland settlements, simply nothing has been confirmed."
―In-game Codex (Planets) [src]

Tatooine is a desert planet located in the Outer Rim Territories and the first of three planets that orbit the suns of a binary star organization in the Arkanis sector. The world is known as a oasis for smugglers, pirates and those seeking to conduct questionable research away from prying eyes. Tatooine'southward level subclass is 24-28.


For much of its history Tatooine remained of petty interest to the galaxy; the planet's savage climate and sunday-baked surface offered few reasons to visit the earth. Notwithstanding, the Czerka Corporation felt this desert planet held more to offering than it first appeared. 5 hundred years ago Czerka arrived seeking to obtain resource that they were ultimately unable to find. The Corporation'south interests on Tatooine instead turned to weapons development and testing. Czerka Corporation eventually abandoned its holdings on Tatooine, leaving its research complex to be reclaimed by the desert globe.

Believing Czerka left more just their research facilities, yet, the Sith Empire has taken an involvement in the planet and established a base in Mos Ila. Imperial troops scavenge at these abandoned labs. Since the Sons of Palawa have apparently refurbished Czerka battle droids, the empire wants to obtain any secrets they may have discovered.

Mos Ila is nearly the largest settlement, Anchorhead, which is a regular pit stop for Democracy ships in the Outer Rim. Smaller locations on Tatooine include the camps of Jawas, Tusken Raiders, and even Mandalorians.[one]



These are established areas that usually comprise a spaceport, trainers, cantina, and vendors.

Sith Empire

Sith Empire

Sith Empire

Mos Ila

Located near Anchorhead, this town was restored past industrious Jawa. Mos Ila boasts a minor spaceport, making the settlement ideal as a base from which the Empire can explore the abandoned Czerka Corporation weapons labs; Imperial forces claimed the boondocks, displacing the Jawa that had fabricated it their ain.
Galactic Republic

Galactic Republic

Galactic Republic


This one-time Czerka outpost is now a haven for smugglers, pirates and other shady types. Information technology is often a pit cease for Democracy starships in the region.


These are areas that usually contain quest givers and some vendors.

Sith Empire

Sith Empire

Sith Empire

Mos Anek

Located in the Jundland area of Tatooine.

Outpost Rennar

Located in the Jundland.

Outpost Varath

Located in the Jundland area of Tatooine.

Outpost Zaroshe

Located on the edge of the Dune Sea.
Galactic Republic

Galactic Commonwealth

Galactic Republic

Dreviad Outpost

Located in the Jundland, this is one of the few outposts that has a cantina.

Outpost Largona

Located in the Jundland.

Outpost Salara

Located in the Jundland.

Outpost Thorazan

Located in the Dune Sea.

PVP Areas

These are areas where players from the Republic and Empire can battle against each other. This surface area contains many pvp vendors and at least one  GTN console and a mailbox.

Outlaws Den

Located in the Jundland area of Tatooine.

Galactic Republic missions

Sith Empire missions


These are the Datacrons that are establish on this planet. For the location of the Datacrons, click here.

  • Blue Matrix Shard
  • Strength +3
  • Aim +3
  • Cunning +3

Useful information

NeitherAnchorhead Cantina in Republic aligned Anchorhead nor Siltshift Cantina in Royal Mos Ila sell nutrient/potable for Presence and wellness regeneration.  And then, y'all might grab extras in Nar Shaddaa earlier standing onto Tatooine.  Note, you can taxi immediately to Dreviad Outpost to checkout the Tookreek Cantina, merely it appears to have no cantina vendor.  However, you tin can catch the [Czerka VX-736 Injector] from various stim vendors and medical droids on the planet.


Posters on Tatooine

External videos


  1. Tatooine Wing-Thru

External links

  • Tatooine on the Star Wars: The Old Republic Holonet
  • WookieepediaFavicon.png Tatooine on Wookieepedia


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