New World embarks you on a journeying to a foreign continent to let you explore it just is information technology complimentary to play? The chance is filled with dangers, glory, and treasure. Stick with this guide to notice out if information technology's really the instance.

Although the queues are piling up on New Globe for the players to bring together the aforementioned servers as all of their friends, it'southward a smooth ride on Amazon's world of chance one time you lot get online into the game. Early on in the game, New World manages to capture the best office of commencing on an interesting run a risk.

The game is not quite new and non quite a globe but it does capture the magic of an MMO. You tin can't actually die in New World but survive the doomed voyages and try to build a civilization on Aeternum. Sounds like fun? Let's find out what'south special well-nigh the game and tin you play it gratuitous or not.

What is special almost New World?

MMO fans all around the earth are excited for New World. Post-obit are some of the things that separate it from the other games in the same genre.

  • Core visual features and environments such as Edengrove and Reekwater justify hardware demand
  • Wide variety of game modes to incentivize Player vs Player and Players vs Surround components
  • Explore new locations, craft things, and impale creatures inside a territory-controlled environment
  • Seven crafting skills with their own unique uses
  • Buy a starting time, 2nd, or third business firm at different game levels and decore them with your own resources
  • Party creation arrangement by searching or teammates instead of taking on dungeons
  • Game wars follow a diplomatic organisation by investing golden and intruding in opposing companies methodically
  • Players get weapon types instead of classes to amend their efficiency

Is New World still playable?

Is New World still playable?

New Globe game is playable on Windows PC and their servers went live on 28 September 2021. You can download the game on the Steam page and play it through the Steam customer. Furthermore, your arrangement must meet the post-obit requirements to bask smooth play.

Minimum System Requirements Recommended System Requirments
64-bit processor with Windows 10 Bone 64-bit processor with Windows 10 Bone
Intel Core i5-2400 / AMD CPU @ 3GHz Intel Core i7-2600K / AMD Ryzen 5 1400
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670 2GB / AMD Radeon R9 280 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 / AMD Radeon R9 390X
DirectX version 12 DirectX version 12
Broadband connection Loftier-Speed Broadband connection
35 GB bachelor storage 35 GB available storage

Is New World pay to play?

Is New World pay to play?

Amazon Games has officially entered the video gaming manufacture with the release of its starting time MMORPG. However, New Earth is not free to play and is nigh at the same price every bit premium AAA video games. New Globe is only available for PCs and yous tin can buy it from Amazon or Steam.

The New World standard game version costs $39.99 and the Delux version costs $49.99. Players tin can as well purchase optional in-games items also. New World Delux version comes with Woodsman armor and hatchet skins, Mastigg house pet, Rock/Paper/Scissors emote set, and a New Earth digital art volume.

After the Genshin Touch on gratis-to-play release, The New World game costs may disappoint the players as they were hoping to become the game without paying that much. Yet, every bit with any premium game, Amazon does not have any pesky paywalls. Information technology is what it is and you lot get what you run into which is a complete content-rich bundle.

Is there a monthly fee to play New Earth?

Is there a monthly fee to play New World?

Wondering if the New World has a monthly subscription fee? Other games in the same genre require you for a paid subscription, just is it true for New Globe?

Instead of consistently charging to access the New World game, Amazon Game Studios opted for a one-time purchase system. This arroyo makes the life of the coincidental players easier who don't desire to go along paying for the game every month, which they may not play very frequently.

If you lot compare the subscriptions fees for other games, you lot'll be obviously saving some coin in the long run. You'll be able to heave the game's base over time as if y'all lose interest in the game, you tin come dorsum and check out new content without having to pay for anything else.

It'southward worth mentioning here that although there isn't whatever monthly subscription fee for the New World game, any time to come expansions can be paid expansions. However, for at present, you tin can purchase complete game access through a erstwhile purchase.

Will New Globe be coming to console?

In an interview with Eurogamer, New World director Scot Lane said "Gaming consoles are non something that we considered yet, and the New World will be playable but on Windows PC for the believable futurity".

Therefore, this argument clearly illustrates that you lot should not expect to play New Globe on MasOS, Xbox, Playstation, or Nintendo Switch someday soon.

Does New World destroy GPU?

Does New World destroy GPU?

After the New Globe'due south airtight beta launch on July twenty, several users were reporting that their RTX 3090 graphic cards overheated and got destroyed entirely.

The damage wasn't limited to the 3090, nevertheless, information technology affected the RTX 3090 players the most equally it is a very plush graphic card. Most players theorized that the absenteeism of FPS caps o the menu screens caused the GPU to render insanely high FPS counts.

As a result, Amazon Games included a patch in the update that caps frames per 2d while players browse menus. Now, Amazon claims that New World is rubber to play as they have seen no widespread issue afterwards the update. Let's encounter if this statement justifies their premium game toll and highly-priced GPU damage issues in the future.


New World has come out of its closed beta, yet, it is not gratuitous to play. While a few players are complaining nigh the premium game costs, others are taking this as a blessing in disguise every bit they won't have to pay a subscription fee each month. In the long run, you can save a lot by paying a one-time fee for New World.